Wednesday, April 21, 2010

fam'n it up!

I have been so excited to have my family here. It has been years since we have spent time together...even though we are still missing two important people and some lil ones we have been enjoying our time. Yesterday we went to the Plaza hung out and met up at Blanc Burger with our cousin Leann who is living in Kansas like 15 min away from me. I love having some of my family around and I am super sad that my cousin Leann may be moving back to Cali. BUT I am praying the Lord changes her mind! haha!

Anyhow will update some more...we are off to Branson, MO tomorrow. I will post pics next week sometime.

Until, peace and hair grease!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Our update...soon to be regular basis blogging. I promise! lol

I just wanted to blog and give a way over due update to what is new with us! We are truly doing fantastic and are fully submerged in our lives as a Media Missionary Family! We are absolutely blown away at where the Lord has landed us here at the Prayer Room and on the Missions Base. We had no idea that He would orchestrate the two of us in the Media Department. Ismael as a director for the 24/7 live webstream that is now FREE @ and myself as the Media Production Manager for the Creative Services side which is all the non-live projects we do like promo's, podcasts and tv highlights.
Ismael is working as well in the IHOP warehouse as the Head Selector. We are hoping this is just a season until the Lord releases more finances in means of support. Him working 72 hours a week including meetings and time in the Prayer Room isn't always easy but he does it with such a happy heart and just wanting to do the Lord's work and will for our lives.
The kids are doing AMAZING! Getting so big and growing closer in their relationship with the Lord. The girls are all honor roll students and are getting ready to start softball. Elijah is finishing up his kindergarten year the top of his class and reading like a champ! We truly could not be more proud parents of our four amazingly talented children. They love truly love Jesus and have such a heart for the kids around them at school hurting. Kamia asked one day, Momma why can't we just be homeschooled? Keilani and Kiana's response to her was if we didn't go to school then how would the kids find Jesus? They blow us away everyday! Oh how our hearts are stirred up by their ever growing faith in our Creator!!
We want to take the time to thank you all for your loving support and prayers that have got us through this HUGE transition in our lives. We would like to ask you all to partner with us in prayer for a few things.
1st we are coming to the end of our 2nd year lease in the house we are in and asking and believing in the Lord to make a way for us to purchase our very own home. We feel that this is the Lords will but need prayer for everything to go smoothly and that we qualify for something. So please pray, pray, pray!
2nd thing would we would love your prayer on is the Lord releasing more supporters that are called to the marketplace and want to partner with missionaries like us that are working hard and sacrificing much to get the Lords word across the world! We sit before the Lord praying for our Nation, the surrounding Nations and of course all of you! Declaring His goodness to all that have ears to hear and to open eyes and ears for those in need of His love! The Lord is hastening the day of His Son's return and He is calling for us to call out to Him! We need those called to partner with us to continue His work.
3rd and last thing...we feel one day in the future that we will adopt and take in the fatherless. The Lords heart is for the orphan and we want to carry His heart. So just keep us in prayer that if it is His will He will make it happen!
Well we are done talking your ears off...we are just really excited to see what He is doing in our lives and just want to share with the ones we hold so dear to our!
Any prayer requests or have any questions about us and what we are doing? Please comment...we really want to hear from you all!